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About us

       The Winconcept Design company is a young and dynamic Romanian company, founded in 2012, the field of activity is the production and sale of PVC, aluminum joinery and rolls for the construction industry.

      The company's policy is the design and production of products and services adapted to the needs of our customers at competitive prices, value/satisfaction type. Our research continues and the raw material selection study, the last generation manufacturing methods did not allow us to offer high quality products.

     The maximum attention offered in the design phase allowed the creation of high quality products with a very competitive cost. Constantly investing both in the technology needed to improve quality, as well as in staff training, all of these propelled us to the European market.

     We hold the certification for the quality management system, environment and work safety: ISO 9001:2008 Thanks to our teams of experts, WinConcept offers you the support and services you need for the success of your projects.

     Regardless of the choice of raw production materials (aluminum or PVC), our factory guarantees the quality you expect. In order to be as precise as possible, we have created a technical team to follow the evolution of each offer from idea to production. And because we understand that the customer's time should not be wasted, therefore we offer personalized support for delivery (from packaging on pallets with stretch film with an automated line to finding the appropriate transport for each order) The choice of carpentry is a crucial step, after the purchase or renovation of a house or building. WinConcept has understood this and offers advice from a technical point of view, where all the personalized possibilities will be presented as well as an immediate tariff estimate.


Anunt public privind depunerea solicitarii de emitere a acordului de mediu


         Agentia pentru Protectia Mediului Prahova anunta publicul interesat asupra depunerii solicitarii de emitere a acordului de mediu pentru proiectul CONSTRUIRE PENSIUNE TURISTICA, ANEXE, DRUM ACCES, ALEI CAROSABILE SI PIETONALE,SPATIU PARCARE, AMENAJARE INCINTA, SISTEMATIZARE TEREN, UTILITATI, IMPREJMUIRE, BRANSAMENTE SI ORGANIZARE DE SANTIER, propus a fi amplasat in localitatea Jugureni, T11, A380, Fn 381, DJ 100H, DJ 104N.

         Informatiile privind proiectul propus/memoriul de prezentare pot fi consultate la sediul autoritatii competente pentru protectia mediului Prahova, str. Gh Cantacuzino, nr. 306, Ploiesti şi la sediul Winconcept Design SRL, str. Mihai Bravu, nr.4, Mizil în zilele de luni - vineri, între orele 8-16 .

          Observatiile publicului se primesc zilnic la sediul autoritatii competente pentru protectia mediului Prahova .
         Data afisarii anuntului pe site 08.05.2023.

Conform prevederilor art. 10, alin. (5), cu privire la continutul raportului privind impactul asupra mediului; Autoritatea competenta pentru protectia mediului ia decizia etapei de încadrare în procedura de evaluare a impactului asupra mediului cu aplicarea

Address: Strada Mihai Bravu, No. 4

City: 108500 Mizil, Prahova County  

Tel     : +40 - 730.11.11.95


© 2021 by Winconcept Design 

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