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Gealan S8000

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Ferestre Gealan S8000

     Sistemul de profile S 8000 IQ demonstreaza orientarea consecventa catre piata a GEALAN. Economic efficiency and optimizing the use of materials were the central aspects considered in the construction of this sealing system with a depth of 74 mm - for easier processing and more efficient_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_by window manufacturers.


The benefits of the S 8000 IQ

 - Adâncimea de constructie de 74 mm asigura o izolatie termica si fonica foarte buna

- Camera principala of large dimensions for supporting bulky steel stiffeners

- Geometria profilelor bazata pe utilizarea rationala a materialelor protejeaza resursele si prin aceasta, mediul înconjurator

- One steel stiffening element for frame, sash and post

- Optional, improved indoor climate and increased environmental comfort thanks to the patented GECCO ventilation system - for a controlled indoor circulation_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 between air and outside air

- Available in numerous acrylcolor shades and decorative foils (wood look)

     La dezvoltarea sistemului S 8000 IQ, o atentie speciala a fost acordata_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_profile stability. An appropriate size was represented of the main room to support the steel stiffeners.
      The result is a very high bending stiffness of the standard reinforcements, which is another advantage in terms of profile stability . Thus, there are no longer obstacles to the realization of large-sized elements, and the window manufacturing company can offer customers large-sized windows.
   -   Înaltimea maxima a elementelor pentru ferestre depinde of the width of the window and of the total surface resultata aferenta.

   -   -  In the case of large windows, the elements are subject to strong forces_ .

   -   Rigidizarile stabile din otel asigura o rezistenta_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ridicata to bending and allow the construction of large windows.

Gealan S8000 IQ 5 cameras

S8000-IQ 5 camere

Foil palette for S8000

Gealan S8000 IQ 6 camere

S8000-IQ 6 camere

Standard sheets

Extended standard sheets

Extra standard sheets 

Real Wood foils

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